Clue 10 (Feb 23) - FOUND:
This CISP place was HOT!
Said Al, "Oh, wait!"
That's not an order,
Instead, it's a date.
Clue 9 (Feb 22): - FOUND
With Cascades view, and Whidbey, too
This scenic vista is just for you!
Clue 8 (Feb 22): - FOUND
Thanksgiving's a hint, and Christmas, too!
One ball can be found where three meets two.
Clue 7 (Feb 21): - FOUND
You don't have to search over hill and dale,
Just look at one entry to Frodo's trail!
Clue 6 (Feb 20) - FOUND:
On Emerson you'll find a tree,
with lovely curves, that yew will see.
Clue 5 (Feb 19) - FOUND:
At the end of the Dike,
The water will flow.
It will be on the wood top,
Please don't look below.
Clue 4 (Feb 17) - FOUND:
In CISP it's hidden for you.
Look high and low in zones one and two!
Clue 3 (Feb 16) - FOUND:
Hurry to find this ball before dark,
It is hidden in a State Park.
Telling which park would ruin the fun,
But we will tell you it is somewhere in a Zone 1….
Clue 2 (Feb 15) - FOUND:
To find this ball head to Camano’s east
And it will be in easy reach
You will not fail
If you remember to stay on the trail.
Clue 1 (Feb 14) - FOUND:
It’s Valentine’s Day so show some love
And go to a Vista that is high above.
Find the clue ball and do your part
And you will win a glass ball with a heart!