2021 Needs Assessment

2021 Needs Assessment

The Island County Marine Resources Committee (MRC) conducted a needs assessment in Winter 2021 to aid strategic planning for the coming 3-5 years. The goal was to identify pressing and emerging marine resource issues in Island County and to learn what MRC roles and projects are most valued.

Based on interviews, this assessment provided qualitative, anecdotal information to support stewardship of Island County’s marine resources.  This information is a reflection of the context of marine resource issues in Island County at this moment in time and we provide this overview with the hope it may be useful for county departments and conservation organizations as well as the MRC. 

MRC members spent many hours conducting interviews and organizing data into an easy-to-understand, succinct report. This report will help inform MRC decisions for years to come. Check it out here:

Needs Assessment Overview


2021 Needs Assessment